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By Jeff Unsworth
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Blogs on various subjects based on scripture from the Bible.
Subject Index (Click Here)

1.    The Early Church 1st & 2nd Century
2.    God & Healing Today
3.    Anti NIcene Fathers
4.    Coming against Territorial Spirits

5.    Common Mistakes Re: End Times.

6.    The Gospel for Children.

7.    The Gnostic School of Learning.

8.    I am of Paul, I am of Apollos, I am of Peter.
9.    The Amazing first verse of the Bible
10.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
11.  The Bible, Allegorical or Literal?
12.  A Dash through the Old Testament.
13.  The Doctrine of Sovereign Grace.
14.  Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Ceased or Continued
15.  Prayer & Evangelism.
16.  Father, Son & Holy Spirit. (Trinity)
17.  Who is the Restrainer?.
18.  The Time of Reaping.
19.  The Plagues of Revelation.
20.  The Two Witnesses of Revelation.
21.  The Chronology of Revelation.
22.  The Great Tribulation & The Wrath of God.
23.  The Intra Seal Rapture (Pre Wrath)
24.  The Beast / The False Prophet & The Whore of Babylon.
25.  The Antichrist, Man or System?
26.  The Whore of Babylon.
27.  An Answer to Supercessionism (Replacement Theology.
28.  The Roots of Antisemitism.
29.  The Lords Table, (Communion)
30.  Church Covenants / Membership. (Is it Legalism?)
31. The Bible & Its Origin.
32.  Melchisadek, Who was He?
33.  Eternal Hell.
34.  The Witch of Endor.
35.  Assurance of Salvation.
36.  The Totality of God's Word.
37. The Wounded Side.
38. Nymphas or Nympha.
39.  The Supremacy of Christ
40.  Understanding God's Will.
41.  Darwinism & Homosexuality.
42.  Satan's Foiled Plans.
43.  The Pre Emminence of Christ.
44.  The Mystery of Christ.
45.  Paul Confronts the Gnostic Lie.
46.  The Way of Salvation.
47.  The Will of Man & The Sovereignty of God.
48.  Walking in Christ.
49.  Wiful Subbmission.
50.  Biblical Numerology.
51.  Marriage, What is it?
52.  Player or Spectator?
53.  Why are the Jews a Hated People?
54.  Paul's Appeal to Philemon.
55.  The Heresy of "The Shack".
56.  The Resurrection.
57.  Salvation & Discipleship.
58.  Science & The Bible.
59.  Ghosts & Spirits, What are They?
60.  Inclusive Versus Exclusive Theology.
61.  The Scarlet Worm.

62.  Stand Up & Be Counted.

63.  Thessalonians, a Church worth Imitating.
64.  Being True to the Gospel.
65.  The Judgement Seat of Christ.
66.  The Great White Throne Judgement
67.  The Witness of the Church.
68.  The Gog / Magog Invasion.
69.  "Tulip" (The Five Points of Calvin).
70.  Encouragement in Love.
71.  A Call to Holiness.
72.  Baptism with the Holy Spirit.
73.  Life After Death.
74.  The Blood of Christ.
75.  God Our Saviour.
76.  The Need for Discernment.
77.  Who Killed Jesus?
78.  A Shout - A Voice - A Trumpet.
79.  Confidence in God's People.
80.  Sola Scriptura.
81.  The Three Aspects of God's Will.
82.  Faith that Works.
83.  The Person of the Holy Spirit.
84.  Assurance of Heaven.
85.  False Christ's.
86.  Circles of Righteousness. (Psalm 23)
87.  Influences from the East.
88.  The Man of Lawlessness.
89.  Playing Our Part in the Body of Christ.
90.  Which Bible?
91.  The Elect, The Chosen of God.
92.  What is Midrash? (PaRDes)
93.  Eschatology & Unity.
94.  Joseph, a Shadow of Christ.
95.  Suffering Servant / Coming King.
96.  A Great Cloud of Witnesses.
97.  Active Endurance.
98.  The Subtlety of Idolatry.
99.  Pure Religion.
100. The Ten Virgins.
101. The Sin of Partiality.
102. Dovetailed to Christ.
103. The Four Messages of Haggai.
104. The Rapture, Verse by Verse.
105. Rhema Misunderstanding.
106. Faith Without Works is Dead.
107. The Nephilim of Genesis six.
108. Truth or Tradition?
109. Hospitality to Strangers.
110. Fruit of the Spirit and Unbelievers.
111. The Romans road to Salvation.
112. The Taming of the Tongue.
113. Let No One take your Crown.
114. The Eden Fruit.
115. Who are the Remnant?
116. Wisdom from Above.
117. When was Jesus Born?
118. Cultural Christianity Versus The True Church.
119. Judging Others.
120. God, the Mathametician.
121. The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination.
122. Prophecies & The Gospel.
123. Judging Success.
124. Jesus Writes in the Dust.
125. The Principals of PaRDes.
126. Remez, A Hint.
127. God's Covenant with Abraham.
128. Justifying Homosexuality on False Logic.
129. Waiting with Patience.
130. One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism.
131. Caring for the Brethren.
132. God Sought to Kill Moses.
133. Occult Practices.
134. Abram, Hearing God's Call.
135. The Journey of Abram.
136. The Disciples Prayer.
137. No Ageism with God.
138. Look unto Abraham & Sarah.
139. The "Hey" of Abraham & Sarah.

140. Abraham & Lot. (Choices)
141. Abraham, Courage to Act.

142. Abrahams Assurance.
143. D.I.Y. Religion.
144. Importance of the Resurrection.
145. Believers Baptism.
146. God reaffirms the Covenant.
147. Interpreting the Bible.
148. The Israel of God.
149. Behind Enemy Lines.
150. Who is Taken and Who is Left?
151. Abraham meets with God.
152. Abraham Receives the Promise.
153. God Test's Abraham
 154. Ruin & Restoration.
155. Whether there be Tongues, they shall cease.
156. Lot flees Wicked Sodom
157. Abraham acts out of Fear not Faith
158. The Grace of God
159. Headship and Covering
160. Redemption, Reconciliation, Restoration
161. Third Temple, Yes or No
162. Millennial Temple Sacrifices.
163. Reign on the Earth
164. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
165. What happens when we die?
166. The Will of Man / The Grace of God
167. Biblical Parameters
168. The Errors of the Roman Catholic Church
169. Wolves in Sheeps Clothing
170. Born again to a Living Hope
171. Default to Sin
172. Psalm 40, A Song of a Believer.
Supporter of HGRA



Wigan Dialect
A Collection of Dialect Poems, Phrases and 
From around the Wigan
Area. Jeff Unsworth





World War 11 Poems
Kathleen Lowe Oliver
Courtesy of Jeff Unsworth

183. Internal Strife


184. Nehemiah's Discernment


185. Calvinism, High or Hyper?


186. The Purpose of the Church.


187. Sardis, the Dead church.


188. Paper Christianity


189. The Ships of Tarshish


190. Infant Salvation


191. Guarding the Finished Work


192. Nehemiah, Rebuild, Repent, Revival.


193. A Repentant Nation.


194. God's Precepts Abandoned


195. Re Population of Jerusalem.


196. Nehemiah 12. The dedication of the walls.


197. The Book of Jude


198. The Book of Ruth


199. The Fruit of Repentance


200. Christians Reaction, Covid 19


201. Sin Chastised, Nehemiah 13


202. Become all things to all men.


203. Quarantined


204. Testimony of Salvation (Author)


205. Sorrowful, Even unto Death.


206. Dealing with Sexual Desire


207. Sermon on the Mount


208. Parables, What are they?


209. Salt and Light.


210. Recognising Jesus.


211. Christ fulfilled the Law.


212. Lust & Anger


213. Marriage, Divorce and Oath’s.


214. Love Your Enemy


215. Religious Conduct.


216. When ye come Together.


217. When you Pray.


218. Does God listen to Everyone's Prayers?


219. Believe and be Baptised.


220. Wealth and Worry.


221. The Golden Rule.

222. Name & Shame, False Teachers.

223. The Relevance of Obadiah.


224. Detecting the Lies


225. This Grace Wherein we Stand.


226. Which Foundation.


227. True Christian Discipleship.


228. The Mark of the Beast (Satan the Mimic)


229. The Glory of God. (Ezezkiel.)


230. The Apostasy Controversy.


231. Grace and Faith (God's Gift)


232. The Rapture, the First part of the Second Coming.


233. God Prepares a Prophet. (Ezekiel)


234. Witnessing God's Judgement. (ezekiel)


235. Midrash in the Bible.


236. True or False Repentance?.


237. Ichabod, The Glory has Departed (Ezekiel)


238. Trampling God's Grace (Ezekiel 16)


239. The Fire of God's Wrath. (Ezekiel)


240. Discipleship Evaluation. (Ezekiel)


241. Restoration and a New Heart. (Ezekiel)


242. The Apostasy and the Man of Sin revealed before the Rapture.


243. The Valley of Dry Bones. (Ezekiel).


244. Worship in the New Temple. (Ezekiel)


245. The 144,000 and the Great Multitude.

246. Living Without God. (Ecclesiastes Introduction)


247. All is Vanity (Is life Meaningless?).

(Ecclesiates 1)


248. What is the Value of Work . 

(Ecclesiates 2)


249. For Everything a Season.
(Ecclesiastes 3: 1-22)


250. Enoch & Elijah (Taken)


251. Living with Eternity in View.
( Ecclesiastes  4 – 5:1-7)


252. Learning to be Content.
(Ecclesiastes 5:8 - 6:12)


253. The Value of Practical Wisdom.
(Ecclesiastes 7:1 - 8:1)


254. Submit to Authority.

(Ecclesiastes 8)

255. No Excuse for Sin.

256. Saturday or Sunday Sabbath.


257. Death is Common to All.

(Ecclesiastes 9)

258. The Theft of Christmas.


259. Wisdom and Folly

(Ecclesiastes 10)

260. Trust Restored.


261. Questions in Genesis.


262. The Value of Giving.

(Ecclesiastes 11)

263. Seek God in the Days of Your Youth.

(Ecclesiastes 12)

264. The Slavery of Israel in Egypt.


265. The Meaning in Life

(Ecclesiastes Conclusion)

266. The Ephesian Inclusion

(Ephesians Intro)


267. The Purpose of God's Mercy.

(Ephesians 1:1 -14)


268. The Inheritance of the Saints.

(Ephesians 1: 15-23)


269. The Tongues of Angels. Exaggeration.


270. Dead in Sin – Alive in Christ
(Ephesians 2:1-10)


271. For Whom He Foreknew.


272. Earnest Prayer


273. One in Christ.

(Ephesians 2: 11 - 22)


274. Quickening and Regeneration.


275. Is God Unfair or Unjust?


276. Spiritual Gifts, Attestation of the Word.


277. The Mystery of the Gospel Revealed

(Ephesians 3)


278. Man’s Enslaved Will.


279. The Bread and Fishes.
(Food for All)


280. Appointed unto Death


281.  Obedience to God’s Will. 


282. A Call to Unity.


283. Old Man, New Man.


284. Gifts in the Body of Christ.


285. Predestination not Calvinism.


286. Walk in Love.
Ephesians 5:1-20


287. How to be a Christian in a Secular World.


288. Walk, Stand, Sit.

(Psalm 1)


289. The Book of Obadiah.


290. Who are Apostates?


291. The Mystery of Marriage.

Ephesians 5:21 - 33


292. The Rapture Misconceptions.


293. Obedience and Honour.

(Ephesians 6:1-9)


294. Walking in the Spirit.


295. The Book of Nahum.


296. The Whole Armour of God.
(Ephesians 6: 10-24)


297. The Acts of the Apostles.


298. Jesus, Man of Action.


299. Jesus, Man of Surprises.


300. Jesus, Man of Stories.


301. 120 Years Prophecy

Genesis 6:3

302. Jesus, The Master Over Fear.

303. Jesus the Challenger.


304. Jesus, the Power Source.


305. Jesus and the Rich Man.


306. Jesus the Suffering Servant.


307. Jesus the Puzzling KIng.


308. Transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Romans 12:2


309. Jesus the Prophet.


310. Jesus the Sacrifice.


311. Jesus the Dying King.


312. Jesus the Risen Lord.


313. Context, Context, Context.




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