Books By Jeff Unsworth

About the Author
Jeff Unsworth is a retired engineer and was converted to Christianity in 1971. Over the fifty years of being a Christian, he has become an avid reader and studier of the Bible and in his retirement he built the website, Teleios Bible Blogs
The aim is the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
After writing many blogs on various biblical subjects, he decided it was time to convert some of his work into book form and have them published.
Jeff has written over thirty books and booklets and these are the ones that have been published to date.

The Acts of the Apostles otherwise known as The Acts of the Holy Spirit.
Greek, Práxeis Apostólōn.
Written by Luke, a doctor and companion of the Apostle Paul on his missionary journeys.
Luke was also the author of the Gospel of Luke.
The Gospel of Luke and The Acts of the Apostles were written to Theophilos, an unknown character.
Most scholars date the composition of the combined work to around 80–90 AD, although some others suggest 90–110.
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The story of Abraham and his descendents is found in the book of Genesis. We first meet Abraham in Genesis chapter 11, although at this stage his name is Abram. There is very little biographical detail about him apart from the fact that he was a shepherd and came from Ur of the Chaldeans, which is modern day Iraq.
He and his family moved, with his father Terah, to Haran.
People at this time, believed in and worshipped many gods. God calls Abram and Abram answers the call of God and it is because of this that he accepts and realises the reality of there being only one true God.
In Jewish writings, there are a number of stories about Abraham smashing his father's idols when he realises that there can be only one God of heaven and earth.
These stories are found in apocryphal writings and may of may not be true.
They acknowledge that Abraham was the first person to recognise and worship the one true God. And so, monotheism was born.
This book begins in Genesis chapter 12, when God asked Abram to leave his family, his home and his country and he makes Abram three promises: the promise of a relationship with God, numerous descendents and land.
This book follows Abram’s journey to the land that God promised to him and all his descendents and the experiences and encounters on his travels.
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A simplified study on the book of Nehemiah.
Nehemiah, whilst still in Babylon, hears the news from Jerusalem and sets about his task for the Lord to rebuild, repopulate and bring the nation of Israel back to the God of their fathers.
The book covers his leadership, his trials, his battles and his fervour for the children of Israel.
It records the re-establishment of the Law to the people and a re-commitment to a right way of living.
The temple had already been built under Ezra and Nehemiah took on the task of rebuilding the walls and the gates of the city.
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This book deals with aspects of the Reformed Doctrine of Predestination.
It deals with topics such as the Sovereignty of God, Foreknowledge, Predestination, (Election), Calling, the Will of God and the Will of Man.
By using scripture alone, this book is an attempt to put forward in the clearest way, the understanding that salvation is all of God and not of man.
That before the regeneration of man takes place, he cannot prepare himself, or do anything to contribute to his salvation and that he is totally separated from God by a sinful nature and that God alone is the author of our salvation. Those who are saved are saved because God has chosen them for salvation. The Holy Spirit has given life to a dead spirit and understanding to a mind blinded by sin and by Satan. Those who are saved may be said to choose God, but only after God has first chosen them for salvation:
In the following scriptures we will see, that we did not choose God but that it was Him that chose us. That we were not saved by anything that we have done but it is all of God.
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Gnosticism was a heresy that plagued the early church. It was opposed by the Apostles and subsequently by the early church Fathers.
Gnosticism has never really disappeared and still is evident in the churches of Christianity today.
Many cults have their origins in Gnosticism and it has infiltrated the evangelical denominations.
There are genuine born again believers whose doctrinal interpretations of particular subjects, have their roots in Gnosticism.
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The writer of this epistle refers to himself in James 1:1 as "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ" who is writing to "the twelve tribes scattered abroad".
James letter is addressed to the early Christian churches (“to the twelve tribes in the dispersion”) and attributed to James, a Christian Jew, whose identity is disputed.
There are different views on which James actually authored this epistle but it is thought to be James the brother of Jesus, known as “James the Just”.
The letter is more about morals rather than dogma and it reflects early Jewish Christianity.
The writer covers such topics as endurance under persecution, poverty and wealth, control of the tongue, care for orphans and widows, cursing, boasting, oaths, and prayer.
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The first epistle of Peter is written to the persecuted church, namely the pilgrims of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia.
It is a powerful reminder that they have hope in the midst of their suffering.
Christians should expect to face hostility because of their witness of Jesus Christ, so these letters are very relevant for today’s church.
He reminds Christians of the responsibility to live holy lives in the midst of tribulation. He speaks of the roles of husbands and wives and how Christians should behave as ambassadors for Christ.
Peters first letter ends with the exhortation to leadership, Elders and Deacons and how they are to shepherd the church of God.
In his second epistle Peter warns the church members about false prophets and false teachers who will come among them and seek to lead Christians astray.
These wicked teachers will deny the Lord Jesus and speak evil of the Gospel
2 Peter closes with a passionate farewell speech addressed to the same messianic church communities as 1 Peter.
The overall challenge of these epistles is to stand firm in the faith, resist evil and grow in the faith whilst waiting for the coming of Christ,
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The aim of this book is to try to bring some understanding to the many prophecies in the Old Testament concerning the return of Jesus Christ, the Messiah to this earth.
In the Bible, there are many verses relating to the first coming of a Messiah, which the Christian church believes was fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth. At His first coming He came as a suffering servant to die in order to redeem man to God. There are also numerous prophecies concerning His second coming, when Jesus will return as the Son of David, the conquering King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
He will at that time, return to judge the unbelieving world and to set up a Millennial reign of one thousand years on the earth.
There are prophesied, certain things that will occur prior to His return.
There are also many scriptures found in the New Testament that verify this fact.
Quotes from Jesus Himself and teachings by His Apostles.
This book is an attempt to try and understand the times of the end and some of the events that lead up to the second advent of Jesus Christ.
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The preservation and continuity of the Jews is something that is nothing more than a miracle. To many it is historically inexplicable. Down through the ages, the Jews have been on the receiving end of hatred and persecution, yet they have not only survived but occupy the very land that God promised to them as a nation.
When God made an unconditional covenant with Abraham, He meant an everlasting covenant. The Preservation of Israel is a book that explains how and why the Jewish nation has been kept by God.
In the face of persecution right from the beginning of time, God has remained faithful to His promises to the nation that He chose from amongst all the nations.
A nation that He called “The apple of My eye”.
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Selected Chapters From the Book of Isaiah.
The Prophet Isaiah prophesied between 740 to 680 BC.
The nation of Israel had divided into two separate kingdoms about 930 BC. The Northern kingdom of Israel (including the cities of Shechem and Samaria), and the Kingdom of Judah, (containing Jerusalem) in the south.
In 722 BC the Assyrian kingdom invaded Israel and Israel fell.
Isaiah continued to prophecy to Judah.
The Prophet Isaiah was a contemporary to other prophets, Elijah, Elisha, Obadiah, Joel, Jonah, and Amos.
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The Salvation and destruction of the Assyrian city of Nineveh, as revealed in the books of Johah and Nahum.
A city that repented and was saved from destruction, only to fall back into evil and readed the judgement of God.
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Many Christians today do not know much about the person and work of the Holy Spirit.
Just like the believers in Acts 19:2, when the Apostle Paul asked the question, “Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed”? And they said unto him, “We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost”.
These were followers of John the Baptist and even if they had heard about the Holy Spirit, they were unaware of the role He could play in their lives.
This book is an attempt to bring to the reader’s attention, the role that the Holy Spirit played in the lives of the early believers and how each Christian’s life can be transformed by the impact of the work of the Holy Spirit.
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When Jesus ascended to the Father, He told His disciples that when He was gone, the Holy Spirit would come.
This happened on the Day of Pentecost in an upper room. In that room were around a hundred and twenty believers. They all were Baptised with the Holy Spirit.
This was an essential work that was given that they might receive power to fulfil the commission of Jesus, “Go into all the world and make disciples of all men”.
This book is about the coming of the Holy Spirit, His work and His Functions in the lives of believers in Jesus Christ.
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The Epistles of John consist of three letters in the New Testament attributed to the Apostle John, the disciple of Jesus Christ.
These letters are believed to have been written towards the end of the first century AD. They are addressed to various churches and individuals, focusing on themes, such as love, truth and obedience to God's commandments.
To gain a deeper understanding of early Christian teachings and beliefs, it is recommended to study these epistles diligently and reflect on their significance within the context of the Bible.
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A Simplified Study of the Gospel of John.
The Gospel of John is the fourth book of the New Testament in the Bible. It is traditionally attributed to the Apostle John, one of Jesus' twelve disciples. The Gospel is divided into five sections, focusing on the ministry, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is distinct from the othe Gospels in it's theological emphasis on the divinity of Jesus and the concept of eternal life.
Readers are encouraged to study the Gospel of John to gain a deeper understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
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Hosea is the first of the twelve minor prophets in the Hebrew Bible. His writings date from the 8th century BC and his prophecies extended over 60 years, from King Jeroboam11 (787 - 747 BC) to KIng Hoseah (731 - 722 BC).
He was the first prophet to write down his prophecies. He is one of the prophets whom God uses to portray a message of repentance to God's people.
Through Hosea's marriage to Gomer, God also known as Yahweh, shows HIs great love for His people Israel, comparing Himself to a husband whose wife has committed adultery.
Hosea is a book that uses allegory and metaphor of human sexuality and adultery to show God's love for His people Israel.
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