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On the right of this page is a list of people that are considered false teachers within Christianity.
Some are linked to the Emerging Church, some are linked to the Word Faith Movement and the Prosperity Gospel, plus other suspect organizations.
Excellent selection of YouTube video's, exposing false teachers in the church.  By Justin Peters.
                              Click Here
List of those considered False Teachers

Justin Abraham
Enoch Adeboye
Che Ahn
John Arnott
Winnie Banov
Neil T. Anderson
Carol Arnott
John Avanzini
Heidi Baker
Jim Bakker
Georgian Banov
Rob Bell
Paul Begley
Todd Bentley
Mike Bickle
Reinhard Bonnke
Greg Boyd
William Branham
Rodney Howard Browne
Juanita Bynum
Jonathan Cahn
David Hogan
Brian Houston
Larry Huch
Rod Parsley
Earl Paulk
Norman Vincent Peale
Chuck Pierce
Peter Popoff
Fred Price
Joseph Prince
Phineas Quimby
Oral Roberts
Richard Roberts
Pat Roberson
James Robison
Sid Roth
Robert Schuller
R.W. Shambach
Dutch Sheets
Andy Stanley
Ruth Carter Stapleton
Don Stewart
Leonard Sweet
Tommy Tenney
Choo Thomas
LeRoy Thompson
Robert Tilton
Eckart Tolle
Kris Vallotton

Paul Cain
Stacy Campbell
Wesley Campbell 
Harold Camping 
Tony Campolo
Charles Capps 
Morris Cerullo
Mark Chironna 
David Yonggi Cho
Deepak Chopra 
Randy Clark
Ian Clayton
Kim Clement 
Gerald Coates
Graham Cooke
Todd Coontz 
Kenneth/Gloria Copeland
Paul & Jan Crouch
John Crowder 
Paul Cunningham 
Creflo/Taffy Dollar
John Alexander Dowie
Clare du Bois
Ezekiel du Bois

Oprah Winfrey
Andrew Wommack
Ed Young Jr.
William P Young: The Shack
Sarah Young: Jesus Calling
Zig Ziglar

Brian McClaren
Clarence McClendon
Aimee Semple McPherson
Joyce Meyer
Joshuah Mills 
Beth Moore
Dayna Muldoon
Myles Munroe
Steve Munsey
Mike Murdock
Arnold Murray
Joel Osteen
Doug Pagitt
Luis Palau
Kathie Walters 
Rick Warren 
Ronald Weinl 
Jason Westerfield
Ellen G. White

Jesse Duplantis
John Eckhardt
Gene Edwards
Lou Engle
Richard Foster

Pope Francis
Steven Furtick
W.V. Grant
John Hagee
Ted Haggard
Kenneth Hagin
Christian Harfouche
Bill Hamon
Jen Hatmaker
Jack Hayford
Ruth Heflin
Marilyn Hickey
Steve Hill
John Hinkle
Benny Hinn

Bill Hybels
Cindy & Mike Jacobs
T.D. Jakes
Leroy Jenkins
Bill Johnson
Ian Johnson
Bob Jones
Tony Jones
Manasseh Jordan 
T.B. Joshua
Rick Joyner
Morton Kelsey
E.W. Kenyon
John Kilpatrick
Dan Kimball
Patricia King
Kathryn Kuhlman
Bob Larson
Roberts Liardon
Eddie Long
Lord Maitreya
Brennan Manning
Paula White
Todd White
Dallas Willard
John Wimber

C.Peter WagnerLance Wallnau

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