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A Word to Servus Christi and Moriel

Dear Servus Christi and Moriel.

I am a Christian that keeps up with Moriels Jacob Prasch on a regular basis. Whilst I do not agree with all of Jacobs interpretations of scripture, I do believe that Moriel is doctrinally sound. I understand why Jacob and Moriel disagree with John Macarthur on some of his teaching but I do believe that the recent post on John Macarthur and Rick Warren coming together in unity is to say the least completely wrong and dishonouring to God.

A quick search of Youtube posts or an internet search, will find how John Macarthur is completely opposed to Rick Warren.

It appeared to me from watching the video that the vicious attack on him is based on the fact that John Macarthur is a Cessationist and an anti Pentecostal/anti Charismatic. I listen and watch both Jacob and John on a regular basis and the similarities between them are numerous.

Both preach a sound Gospel of salvation by grace through faith. Both are Pre Millenialist. Both are pro Israel. Both believe in eternal hell and much more.

In this day and age of false prophets and false teachers, it is very difficult not to share a stage with one. Rick Warren is undoubtably a false teacher who will be only too happy to share the stage with John Macarthur, as this helps to give him credibility.

I doubt if you would ever see John Macarthur share the stage with the pope of Rome like Rick Warren.

If you do a further search on this matter, you will find that should John Macarthur share the stage at this conference, he intends to make it quite clear where he stands concerning the truth of the Gospel.

It would be more honouring to God, if Seritus Christi and Moriel would concentrate on exposing the obvious false teachers like, in the words of Jacob, Kenny, Benny and Joyce. Oh, and Rick.

Response by Grace to You

I think also, to be fair to John Macarthur you ought to publish the statement made by Grace to You on this matter.
It reads:

The annual NRB convention is a Trade show for religious broadcasters, not a Bible Conference. NRB provides broadcasters like Grace to You with essential information about pending legislation, government regulations, technological advances and similar matters important to religious media providers.
The organization is a guild of broadcasters with similar legal and practical concerns, not a spiritul fraternity pushing a doctrinal agenda.
GTY has benefited from membership in NRB for decades.
The 2019 NRB convention is scheduled for Southern Califonia next March. THat's one month after John Macarthurs 50th anniversary of Grace Community Church. It is also the 50th anniversary of GTY, a rare milestone for TV broadcasters.

John was asked to preach the sermon in a special midweek worship service at NRB.
He will not be sharing a platform, or partnering with the other broadcasters featured in NRB's advertising.
He will, however, use the opportunity to bring the Word of God to bear against popular brands of evangelical excess and heresy that undermines the Gospel truth, as he has done everytime he's spoken at NRB.


Blessings in Jesus.

Jeff Unsworth

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