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Dialect Words

AGATE :- Her's gerr'in agate er mi ( She is getting on at me )

AGATE :- He's gett'n agate caw'in for mi. ( He has got in the habit of calling for me )

Origin:- Old Norse word Gata


ACS :- "Acs him worr he waants" " ask him what he wants"

Old English ACSIAN to ask
or enquire


AWOVARUCK "Ther front room looked weel, it was awovaruck"" Their front room looked well, it was very untidy"

They wer feight'in aw of a ruck.


BLETHERYED :- He's a reight Bletheryed ( A person who is not very bright )



BANT :-"Mi jackets bin'ter't cleaners un thiv tack'n awt bant eawt of it"

"My jacket has been to the cleaners and it does'nt have the same quality as before"


BRAT :-"Thall need't wear a brat " ( an apron )

PINNY :- also an apron


CACK :- "Mam, aahm goo'in forr a cack" ( Mother I am going to the toilet )

Also CACK handed ( Left handed person )


CALE :- Keep thi cale in't queue. ( Keep your turn in the queue )

Don't lerr um cale thi. ( don't let them push in front of you )

CLEMT or CLEMMED :- Aahm clemt dee'uth ( I am very hungry )


CRACK ON :- Her knew summut burr her neyer cracked on. ( She knew something but she never said a word )


DEG :- Aah mon deg mi plants or thill dee. ( I must water my plants or they will die )

Norwegian :- Deggja


EEN :- Aah mon get mi een tested ( I must get my eyes tested )


ESSHOLE :- Aah'l at clen th'esshole eawt. ( I will have to clean under the fire grate )

Probably stems from ASHOLE

THREEUP :- To try to get one better than someone.
(Stop three'upping)


FRADG'IN :- Gossiping.
(Watt'ch them theer wimm'in fradg'in) (Watch those women gossiping)


WENCH'IN :- Going after the girls.

BALLYWARCH :- Belly ache.
YEDWARCH :- Headache
TH'EARWARCH :- Earache.

PETTY :- Outside Lavatory.


THRUTCH'IN :- Struggling to pass a motion on the toilet.


MEEMAW'IN :- Try to get someone to understand what you are saying by the use of facial expressions and hand language.



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